When Can I Stop Worrying About Dry Socket? All You Need To Know

when can i stop worrying about dry socket

If you are asking yourself a question; when can I stop worrying about dry socket then I’m sure you’ll get your answer in this article.

Dry socket is also known as Alveolar Osteitis. It is the inflammation of the alveolar bone which is very common after a tooth extraction or a tooth surgery. It is usually regarded as a postoperative complication that usually occurs after the blood fails to form in the socket.

What is Dry Socket and What are Some of its Risk Factors?

As indicated earlier, Dry socket is a problem that usually occurs after the extraction of a permanent tooth. The removal of a permanent tooth leaves a hole in the gum and the body will try to fill this hole with a clot. This is very important because it keeps bacteria and food particles from entering the freshly operated part.

However, there are chances that the clot will never develop which now causes more trouble because the hole is left open and exposed. Looking at this hole, it always looks dry which is the reason why it’s regarded as Dry socket.

Risk Factors

Unfortunately, a dry socket is a serious condition that usually brings pain, extremely unpleasant smell, and taste in your mouth. The uncovered hole also has a couple of other risk factors since it’s left open and exposed.

  • Risks of Infections-The biggest worry is that there are chances that bacteria and other infections can set in and cause bedlam. The gums and the bones of the jaw are at higher risk of being infected which is why you should worry about it.
  • Pain-The open hole will equally trap food and drinks which is why the patient usually experiences more aching and discomfort. This also increases the risks of infections and unpleasant smells and tastes in the mouth.


  • Swelling on the affected area
  • Feeling of heat on the site
  • Radiating pain that can head to the face
  • Pulsing, aching pain and throbbing that can worsen suddenly
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • Bad breath

When to Worry About Dry Socket

You don’t have to worry so much about dry socket unless you fall into the categories listed below. This is mainly because dry sockets have lower chances of occurring and the chances of healing untreated are very high.  So, worry about dry socket if:

  • You are a smoker
  • Had an extraction of the second molar and third molar
  • Had an extraction of a tooth that was infected
  • Have a history of poor oral hygiene
  • In medication that inhibits blood clotting
  • Takes birth control
  • Have a history of dry socket
  • Had wisdom teeth removed

When Can I Stop Worrying About Dry Socket

You will probably start wondering about the time it takes for the Dry socket to go away. I know this is what happens when someone starts to suspect having a dry socket. You also want to know when a dry socket is no more a thing to worry about.

A dry socket will heal on its own 7-10 days after it forms. There are fewer chances that it can go beyond this time range. What this means is that after 7-10 days from the surgery, you shouldn’t worry anymore about the dry socket.

People are usually safe from the dry socket if they’re past a week of extraction with no complications. It’s advisable to take preventing measures in order to stop worrying about Dry socket. Don’t suck drinks on a straw, stop smoking for a period of 1 week, and avoid poking the site with your tongue.

Common Facts with Dry Socket

Dry socket happens 2% to 5% of all the times someone gets their permanent tooth extracted.

Mandibular teeth are greatly affected-The mandibular teeth are affected more than the Maxillary teeth

Dry socket occurs in more than 30% of Molar extractions and especially in wisdom teeth extraction

Patients will experience a throbbing pain a few days after the surgery or removal of the tooth if this condition occurs. The pain may be radiated to other parts of the mouth and face.

Breathing in air through the mouth or drinking cold drinks can elevate the pain and cause more discomfort.


Can you get Dry Socket after a week from surgery?

There is a likelihood that a dry socket will set in after a day or few days after the surgery. But there are some people that make it about a week after surgery. If you make it past those few days, there are fewer chances that you can get a dry socket after a week.

Can I get Dry socket after 3 days?

Dry socket starts from a day to a few of them after the surgery. Consequently, there are chances that you can get Dry socket after three days of surgery. Most people experience dry socket up to 4 days after tooth removal or surgery.

Can Dry Socket heal on its own?

A dry socket will heal on its own unless there are other underlying causes. The patient will continue to experience discomfort and pain as the surgery site heals. But the dentist is likely to provide dressing and other measures that can help soothe the site to relieve pain and discomfort.

What does Dry socket look like?

A dry socket will usually look like a dry opening on the site of the surgery or where the tooth was removed. It doesn’t look like a dark blood clot but a whitish bone-like site. This is likely to cause bad breath and a very unpleasant smell and taste in the patient’s month.

The Bottom Line!

I am sure that this article has helped you in understanding when can I stop worrying about dry socket in detail.

But, it is important to know that…

…whenever you notice dry socket forming, it’s usually important to rush to your dentists or the oral surgeon. Don’t try to tough it out because this can cause more issues with the area. The Dentist may consider irrigating the affected area to remove food and other irritants or use Zinc Oxide eugenol dressing to reduce future infections.

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Categorized as General

By Usama (Medical Student)

Usama is a medical student (MD) and loves to share his medical knowledge. He loves to write on different health and medical conditions for a better understanding of a common person. To know more about him visit the About page.

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