30 Best Foods High in Protein Low in Carbs and Fat

Foods High in Protein

We all know the importance of Protein. It has many benefits as it helps us in losing weight and grow our body muscles and their mass. As it is very beneficial for us I’ve decided to make a list of foods high in protein low in carbs and fat.

Before I start the discussion on it, I want to let you know what amount of protein a man and woman must take daily or is recommended.

According to medical experts, a man must take 56g and a woman 46g protein daily. (1)

List of Foods High in Protein Low in Carbs and Fat

Let’s discuss them one by one:

1. Eggs

Eggs are at the top on my list of foods high in protein as they are very easy to consume.

One egg typically contains about 6 grams of protein. It is the egg white that contains protein. Some people only go for the egg white and leave out the yolk.

However, to reap the full benefits of an egg-eating it whole is the better way. In addition, eggs are quite affordable and easily available.

2. Chicken Breast

Apart from being delicious, chicken breast is also packed with protein. The trick here is to remove the skin as it contains fat. Removing the fat makes it more healthy and nutritious.

A chicken breast normally has about 53 grams of protein which makes it a rich source of protein. The good thing about it, that it can be cooked in many different ways according to personal taste.

3. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt makes for a refreshing drink with a bunch of nutrients beneficial to the body. It is different from other types of yogurt mostly because it is thicker in consistency and has a higher protein content.

A serving containing 6 ounces of Greek yogurt is packed with about 15 grams of protein. Go for plain Greek yogurt that has no additional flavors and sugars.

4. Whole Milk

Milk is usually a total package as it contains a good number of nutrients. Besides, it’s a versatile and nutritious drink for those who are lactose tolerant.

It is an excellent source of high-quality protein and contains about 8 grams in one glass.

5. Lean Beef

This is my favorite source of protein and I have added it at number 5 on my list of foods high in protein low in carbs.

When most people think about protein, what comes into their minds is beef. It is a widely known rich source of protein. You get the benefit of 25 grams of protein from a portion of 3 ounces of lean beef.

6. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is actually an all-stars food for those trying to build muscles due to its high protein content. It’s a good source of casein which is a high-quality protein that digests slowly. This is the reason why it’s taken mostly at night by athletes.

The slow-digesting protein provides all the energy required for muscle maintenance. In just half a cup of cottage cheese, you will get the benefits of about 12 grams of protein.

7. Soy

Soy protein is considered the healthiest form of protein. Soybeans are low in fat and packed with other great nutrients required for the overall health of the body.

This makes it an excellent protein choice especially for vegetarians and those trying to lower cholesterol levels. One cup of cooked soybeans is packed with roughly 29 grams of protein.

8. Almonds

Almonds make for a delicious snack among the family of nuts. They are also a good source of protein with the one-ounce serving containing about 6 grams of protein.

However, if you are trying to lose some weight it’s best if you avoid almonds as a protein source. Almonds have quite high-calorie content.

9. Oats

Oats are usually a part of any healthy and nutritious breakfast. As a matter of fact, it ranks high when it comes to grains that have high-quality protein.

Half a cup of oats provides about 6 grams of protein. This is enough protein to keep you going for just breakfast alone.

10. Broccoli

Along with other beneficial nutrients, broccoli also contains proteins. It is among the healthiest foods and can be eaten both raw and cooked.

Additionally, it has a low-fat content making it a perfect choice when it comes to protein sources.

In one cup of broccoli, there are roughly 3 grams of protein and just about 30 calories.

11. Tuna

Tuna should be on the list of protein-rich foods for those in pursuit of keeping cholesterol levels at bay. With a low calorie and fat content, all that is entirely available is protein.

Furthermore, there are various ways to cook tuna and can even be used as a sandwich filling. A serving of 100 grams of tuna provides roughly 24 grams of protein.

12. Pumpkin Seeds

Most people may not think of pumpkin seeds despite the fact that they are a good source of protein.

You can choose to eat them raw, cooked mostly in an oven, or incorporate them into other meals such as soups.

A 1-ounce portion of pumpkin seeds contains about 9 grams of protein.

13. Shrimp

Shrimp is another nature’s gift with a protein content of 12 grams in a 3-ounce serving.

It is considered one of the most healthy protein foods because it is low in fats as compared with its counterparts.

Some cooking methods tend to lower the protein content, therefore go for the most suitable ones.

14. Peanuts

Peanuts are a widely liked source of protein. Additionally, peanut butter makes a great addition to some delicious meals.

Peanuts are also an excellent snack that you can carry around and eat at any time. In a 1 ounce portion of peanuts, there is the benefit of 7 grams protein.

15. Turkey Breast

Turkey is a food used by many families, it is reserved for occasions like Christmas.

However, turkey breast should be a part of your daily diet due to its high protein content.

In a serving of 3 ounces skinless turkey breast, there is roughly 25 grams protein.

16. Beans

Despite not being a favorite to many people, beans are an excellent source of high-quality protein.

With just half a cup of cooked beans providing you with about 8 grams of protein, there is more than enough reason to eat beans often.

They are actually great for weight loss because they make you feel full for longer.

17. Pork Chops

Including pork chops in your diet regularly can greatly help you meet the daily requirement.

This food is rich in protein with just one pork chop providing 39 grams of protein.

You can also eat it with some vegetables.

18. Halibut

Not only is it rich in omega 3 fatty acids, but is also a good protein source. 

A 3-ounce portion of halibut fillet contains just about 16 grams of protein.

19. Firm Tofu

Tofu is another perfect protein option for vegetarians or if you simply want to have a diet with no meat.

It especially brings out a good flavor in stir-fries.

A 3-ounce block of tofu has a relatively 12 grams protein.

20. Sardines

If you want to benefit from both selenium and good quality protein, then sardines are the food to go for.

They make excellent additions to salads and just 1 sardine provides 3 grams of protein meeting 6% of the daily requirement.

21. Quinoa

This is one of the best high-quality protein foods. Quinoa is a complete protein and in a one cup serving of its seeds, there are roughly 24 grams of protein.

22. Swiss Cheese

Swiss cheese can serve as a good alternative to cottage cheese since it is also high in protein.

A slice of Swiss cheese provides just about 7 grams of protein. It can make for a delicious sandwich filling.

23. Octopus

Typical of seafood, the octopus is high in protein content, has low calories and makes nice savory meals.

A 3-ounce serving contains close to 25 grams protein.

24. Cashews

Apart from copper, iron, and magnesium minerals, protein is also among the nutrients found in cashews.

A one-ounce portion of cashews provides roughly 5 grams of protein and they taste nice in smoothies.

25. Chia Seeds

A 1 ounce serving of chia seeds just about 4 grams of protein.

Chia seeds are also good for the overall health of the heart among other benefits.

26. Wheat Germ

Wheat germ is one of the healthiest food on earth. Apart from vitamin E, thiamin, and potassium, protein is among the major nutrients.

In a one-cup serving of wheat germ, there is the benefit of 27 grams protein.

27. Barley

Barley is perfect when it comes to the treatment of constipation due to the high fiber content.

However, it is also a protein source with 23 grams of protein in just 1 cup.

28. Chickpeas

Chickpeas have a high content of both fiber and protein.  Furthermore, eating chickpeas makes you stay full for longer.

This makes them a likable choice for those trying to lose weight.

1 cup portion of chickpeas has close to 15 grams protein.

29. Avocados

Avocados are not just rich in healthy fats, they contain protein too.

1 avocado provides comparatively 4 grams of protein.

30. Asparagus

This is a widely used vegetable and an excellent healthy protein source. It is best to steam it so as to retain the nutrients.

1 cup of asparagus will add 3 grams of protein to your daily requirement.

Wrapping it Up!

I hope my list has helped you in understanding the foods high in Protein low in carbs and fat. All the foods are very beneficial and a great source of Protein, eat according to your taste to fulfill your daily needs.

The information present on this webpage has not been evaluated by any medical authority such as the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). All information is for educational purposes only. Strictly saying, we do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. You must consult a medical professional before acting on any content on this website.

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By Usama (Medical Student)

Usama is a medical student (MD) and loves to share his medical knowledge. He loves to write on different health and medical conditions for a better understanding of a common person. To know more about him visit the About page.

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